Business License Package

For just $99, you can get professional research and forms to order a business license online.

Accudoc offers a comprehensive service to find business licenses for any company. Choose your state and entity type, select the Business License Compliance Package, and enter your company details. You'll receive Business License Research results in an interactive report with links to the right filing authorities, a list of additional requirements, and help with filing – all in one place.

Our Business License Research Report supports your business, whether you're in one location or nationwide.

Most companies must be licensed to do business

If you intend to run a business from your home or office, you may be required to apply for local, state, and/or federal business licenses. Companies that are set up to own assets and property may not be required to be licensed, but regulations vary for each state.

Getting a local business license can be complicated. There are over 19,000 separate licensing jurisdictions in the United States alone, and each has its own requirements. It can take hours, or even longer to hunt down the right department, regulations, and forms in your area.

Order a Business License Package to save time and money

A Business License Compliance Package is the quickest, easiest way to obtain a license in your jurisdiction. The need for a business license depends on your specific activities and where you're operating.

Whether you're expanding or working in a highly regulated industry, we can handle the time-consuming task of gathering new requirements, even if your team is familiar with business license compliance.

Our Licensing Team Will:

  • Identify the necessary business licenses for your operations
  • Assist in compiling license applications and filing instructions
  • Determine supporting documents, application fees, and any recurring costs
  • Save hours of research, phone calls, and government red tape


Each package covers one business location. Multiple locations can be researched for an additional fee. Some industries like agriculture, daycare, explosives, firearms, marijuana, and gaming have complex licensing requirements. If you're in one of these industries, you can upgrade your package to get additional assistance.