A DBA (Doing Business As), also known as a fictitious name, allows you to conduct business under a name different from your legal name or existing business name.
Different jurisdictions have varying requirements:
Operating under any name other than your legal name
Example: John Smith operating as "JS Enterprises"
Operating under a name different from your registered name
Example: "ABC Services, LLC" operating as "QuickKleen Services"
Business Type | DBA Usage Example | Benefit |
Sole Proprietor | Jane Smith → "Jane's Designs" | Professional image |
LLC | "Smith LLC" → "Creative Solutions" | Marketing appeal |
Corporation | "ABC Inc." → "Budget Friendly Repairs" | Brand targeting |
Franchise | "XYZ Corp" → "XYZ Portland Location" | Local identification |
Consider forming an LLC instead of a DBA - it often provides more benefits, including liability protection, at a similar cost.
Starting at
$119 + state fees